Bladder pain – 10 tips from the doctor. They will definitely work!

03/12/2024By OscarIn Urology

Bladder pain, commonly known by its abbreviation, for people suffering from IC (interstitial cystitis), we have prepared several articles on how to eat to reduce their complaints. Many of you are already familiar with Unisis and Allkapure dietary supplements, and now we have brought you 10 surefire tips, straight from one of the most well-known Hungarian specialists in bladder pain treatment, Dr. Sándor Lovász.

Let’s see two!

Bladder pain and urination: why stings?

Did you know that the terrible pain you experience every day is caused solely by bladder stimulation? The cause of this is none other than urine itself. The reasons: your urine is excessively acidic and concentrated, many aromas (spices, essential oils) accumulate in it, some drug residues (antibiotics) and certain metabolic end products are also excreted through the urine. In case of bladder pain, these can be blamed for the complaints together or separately.

Bladder pain and acidic urine? Will this be the problem?

It is more important than anything else to reduce the acidity of urine, only in this way can we expect a really big improvement, by alkalizing urine, keeping plenty of water and following a special diet, the pH of urine can be reduced to a pH between 6.5 and 7.5. Specifically, bladder pain complaints can be treated well with alkalizing mineral water, lemon juice (real, not concentrate!) and citrate salt, sometimes in acute cases by consuming 1 gram of baking soda.

What to leave out of bladder pain – diet?

It is very important to avoid stinging, irritants and ingredients: this includes chillil, cinnamon, vanilla, curry, cloves, black pepper, cumin, nutmeg, but also herbal teas and herbal extracts (dilute chamomile and linden tea can go). Coffee, alcohol, carbonated soft drinks, sweets, chocolate, artificial sweeteners are unfortunately banned because they can increase bladder irritation.

Bladder pain: what is the significance of urine acidity?

Our urine is basically acidic (vegetarians are an exception), which is influenced by a number of individual factors. Acidic urine kept for a few hours can cause complaints lasting up to two days, so it is extremely important to reduce or reduce the acidity of urine in case of bladder pain.

It is worth keeping a urination diary, we will talk about this in a next article.

Do you have to give up all your favorite foods if you have bladder pain?

Fortunately, this is not the case, as Alkapure dietary supplement containing calcium glycerophosphate can reduce complaints. Alkapure acts not on the stomach or bladder, but directly on the food consumed, reducing their acidity. Two tablets three times a day, taken permanently, reduce the acidity of urine, and if you haven’t followed a snow pain diet accurately, it can help you avoid serious complaints.

Bladder pain and fluid consumption? Neglected area!

It would be very important to emphasize that in bladder pain it is essential to achieve dilute urine, and this can be achieved by drinking at least 2 and a half liters of fluid, and even 3 and a half liters in summer. Without it, the urine will remain concentrated, we can be sure that it will cause serious complaints. It would also be important to drink at night, because this avoids the concentration and acidification of urine in the morning.